Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Couple of The Year - Adilah & Rizal!

We voted them the Couple of The Year! They're both so charming, so loving, so cool and sporting! Having been with them for 2 days covering their Akad Nikah and Persandingan, we were amazed at how calm and collected they were, despite the hectic preparation for their big day. Rizal and family, were amazingly punctual (and we mean right on the dot kind of punctuality!) at both events, and everything went on so smoothly, Alhamdullilah. We had so much fun taking their pictures!

Even after about 6 hours of shooting, we were so charged up when we left for another wedding shoot that same day itself. We just had to tell them that they are, to us, indeed the couple of the year! Dr Rizal and Mum!

Thank you, both, and your families (incl all the aunties!)

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