Thursday, March 12, 2009

Nurul & Suhaimi Studio Shoot In Collaboration with Jim Liaw (MPA)

Extremely excited today over an extraordinary shootout session with Jim Liaw (MPA) and his lovely wife, Ning. Stylist Sharon from Wedding Isle and her team of "miracle workers" did an amazing job with all the models - truly fantastic. As key shots were taken, we did some background shooting as well to tell the story of "the day we made beautiful images with Master Sifu!"

Sharon with her magical touch, working on Abby.

Sharon's team of "miracle workers" waving their magic wand!

Ning shooting in the background while the ladies work on to create their master pieces! And while the ladies were busy getting ready, Suhaimi & Jim sets the stage...
Fixing hairlights...
...and getting the correct reading is just as important as getting the makeover done right!
...the first masterpiece...Abby
Abby being shot by Jim Liaw
Suhaimi, Jim & Ning motivated by the bevy of beauties, couldn't stop clicking away!
Who could resist...they all looked a billion dollars!

...and the finale - shot taken from background while Jim & Suhaimi captured the main shots. It's fantastic working with Jim & Ning - their work has inspired us to this day and we're truly blessed to have friends like them. THANK YOU all - models, Sharon & Team, Jim & Ning! Let's do this again!
Nurul & Suhaimi

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